I flew there on Ryan Air with my travel buddy Courtney. Once in the area, we got some money out of the ATM, in pounds of course! They all have pictures of royalty on them and are very different looking. Evonne explained to me that the bills and coins are all very different in size so that blind people will be able to use it by touch. You can reach in your pocket and know exactly what coins are there without taking them out! We bought Burger King (One of our only options, I swear!) which we had to eat on the go in order to catch our bus into town.
Once in London we found our hostel, called the Green Man and went off to explore the town. We walked along Oxford Street and Piccadilly Circus (The shopping districts) and saw that they were already decked out with beautiful Christmas lights everywhere! My favorite window display included mannequins of Barbie and Ken.
But our real goal was not shopping. It was to find the premier of the seventh Harry Potter. After much searching, we heard the indistinguishable cheers of a very large crowd.
People had been camping out in Leicester Square since the night before and the red carpet was all set up. We couldn't really see the stars since we came late, but we watched all the interviews on the screen and took in the ambiance of it all. I was in the same square as Hermione, JK Rowling, Draco, Lucius, Dobby, The Weasley Twins, Mrs. Weasley, Voldemort, Neville, Bellatrix, Luna and others!!!
Once all the stars were in the theater, we decided to continue our Harry Potter theme and visit Platform 9 and 3/4 at Kings Cross.
On our walk home we ran into a London broadway theater ticket vender. We were curious to see what they had for prices and we ended up buying tickets to the Lion King for the next day. The funny thing was that his first client was a frenchman and they were talking in french. I must have been looking really intently as I was listening to them talk because he apologized for the french when he thought we couldn't understand. It was fun to surprise him when we said we could. The french are always surprised to find a small town girl from Michigan who can speak the language! Then we talked in French the rest of the time to buy our tickets and such.
The next day we woke up early and decided to start out our day with a birds eye view of the city on the London Eye. The London Eye is a big ferris wheel located on the Thames. We shared a cabin we a family of Alaskans! They were very friendly.
In all honesty, it felt a little bit like Navy Pier. But it was cool to see Big Ben, Parliament and the rest of the city from above.
Big Ben... Not so big now!
After the London Eye, we made our way to Hyde Park Corner to go on a free tour that our hostel suggested. We had a Canadian tour guide who was pretty funny. It was a walking tour and it was nice to know what we were seeing and learn some English history along the way.
On the tour we saw the Green Garden. This garden has a funny story behind it because one of the Kings used to walk through it each morning on the way to visit his mistresses. Each mistress was represented by a flower and he would pick the corresponding flower each day and present it to the mistress of his choice. The queen obviously didn't like this and so she had all the flowers removed from the park and made it forbidden for flowers to be planted there! haha
We walked to Buckingham Palace and saw the statue of Queen Victoria. Unfortunately we didn't see the changing of the guard because it was cancelled that day for unknown reasons. I did see lots of the guards with their bearskin hats though. They were wearing gray since their winter coats are gray, not red. Buckingham Palace really doesn't look that impressive from the outside, but the inside is supposed to be magnificent. Unfortunately there are no tours during the winter season. Our tour guide said that the palace has been broken into three times. The first time they were Germans who wanted to camp in Saint James Park and got lost and thought that the palace gardens were the park and then they proceeded to climb the fence and managed to spend the night there! Another was a man who landed on the top with a hand glider to prove he could overcome air security and the third was a drunk guy who set off so many alarms that the guards thought the system was down and shut it down. He actually made it to the Queens rooms and her alarm didn't work. She was clever though and got out of the situation.

We also saw the house of Prince Harry and Prince William, unfortunately none of the royalty was home. We continued walking to Trafalgar Square which is the heart of London. At the center is a war monument for Nelson which is "guarded" by four lions. But the lions are bizarre lions because they have their mouths open. Lions only open their mouths when they are roaring or eating, but these lions are doing neither. Instead they are the dead stuffed heads of lions put on the bodies of dogs. Don't ask me why, but it's true!
Upon exiting Trafalgar square there are these huge arches that show damage from WWII and on the inside of one of the arches there is a nose. This fake nose covering is supposed to contain the real nose of General Nelson. Again don't ask me why. haha
The next big thing that we saw was Westminster Abbey. We didn't go inside, but the outside is gorgeous!!! It's like an improved Notre Dame I think! It's just so overwhelmingly present if that makes sense. Pictures don't do it justice, I just love the detail on everything!
Just one chunk, it doesn't all fit on one lens!
Sadly outside the church there were thousands of little crosses with names and poppies on them in remembrance of Armistice day. It was a tragically beautiful sight.
We finished the tour at Big Ben/ Parliament. We learned about Guy Fawkes day. Guy Fawkes was a revolutionary who tried to blow up parliament. He was caught in the act and tortured into naming his conspirators. After that he was hanged, drawn and quartered. He wanted to assassinate King James I to replace him with a Catholic King. There is a national holiday in Britain for it on the 5th of November where his effigy is burned on a bonfire and then there are fireworks follow.
Also, a little piece of trivia on Big Ben. Big Ben is actually the name of the clock, not the tower. The tower is called Clock Tower. The guy who designed the bell was a larger guy named Ben. When they published the article with a photo of him and the bell it said that the picture showed Big Ben but they weren't sure which one it was.
Next we walked to the British Museums which are amazingly FREE! And on the way, we had to take the classic picture with the red telephone booths!
We couldn't stay too long at the British Museums because of time limitations, but I saw lots of mummies since we spent most of our time in the Egyptian quarters. The coolest thing that I saw was the mummy of Cleopatra, although I also liked the mummified cats sitting next to the mummified fish and the statue called "The Colossal Foot"! It's terrible, but I feel like I'm starting to get museumed out. In the words of Courtney, "I can only see so many statues of naked Greek men before they all start to look the same."

After that we stopped at a Starbucks. We just couldn't resist that little piece of home. The funny thing is they didn't have either of our normal drinks there, but luckily they were able to improvise. Mine tasted pretty much the same only with a smoother texture. After that it was time to go see THE LION KING ON BROADWAY. I haven't made my bucket list in life yet, but the one thing that I always knew would be on there when I made it was to see a broadway show. What better place is there to do this than London? We were in the third tire, so we were really high up, but I could see and hear everything really well.
One thing I really like about the show is that it really showed the African culture. The cast was almost 100% African and there were some lines in African with the legit popping noise they make. The costumes were really cool although different than I expected. I wish I could have taken pictures, at the same time it was nice to just sit and enjoy. It followed the movie pretty closely with the same music and a lot of the same lines, but they did add some songs too including a cool song about remembering the pride. My favorite scene in the play was actually the scene between Simba and Mufasa (sp?) under the stars. For me it so paralleled my relationship with God, it was awesome! My favorite songs were definitely the opening and closing because that was when everyone was singing and all the animals were on stage! Courtney and I decided our favorite actress was the woman who played Rafiki (sp?), yes, it was a woman, but she was amazing! It totally fit! And Zazu was pretty awesome too!
The last stop of the night was Fleet Street in honor of Sweeney Todd. We saw the place where there is a pastry shop right next to a hair salon. I won't be eating there...
All in all, that day I was going back and forth singing songs from the Lion King and Sweeney Todd! haha